How Can I Naturally Relieve Muscle Pain

How Can I Naturally Relieve Muscle Pain

Drugs should be a last option

The urge to go for over the counter drugs or to see a doctor is always huge whenever one experiences muscle pains. However, you can relieve muscle pain through many other ways and have same or better results. Resorting to narcotics should only come as a last resort after the natural ways of relieving pain have failed or if the pain grows.

Herbs are a perfect remedy

Long before modern medicine emerged, people used to rely solely on herbs for the treatment of all pains and ailments. Herbs have the ability to accelerate healing of the injured muscles, and that is why they have been popular for thousands of years. There are a number of recommended herbs, the major one being valerian. This herb not only relieves pain and relaxes the muscles, but also acts as a sleep inducer. Other herbs that can relieve muscle pain include licorice, passiflora, chamomile and kava root.

Homeopathic solution

Homeopathy uses the Law of Similars in the treatment of various body conditions. Through homeopathic remedies to muscle pain, the body is stimulated to carry out its own healing. According to homeopaths, any health condition has psychological, emotional and physical aspects, so any diagnosis and healing should take all these factors into consideration. For homeopathic remedies for muscle pain, only experimentation can lead to the best combination. There are several such remedies but the most popular ones are calcarea, arnica and kali carb.

Dietary supplements

The diet you take during the healing period will also play a pivotal role, considering that it is at such times that the body uses most nutrients. It is important to replace the lost nutrients by taking enough calcium and magnesium replenishments. Magnesium is important for the repair of the nerve endings. Other important nutritional supplements include vitamin C and potassium. To help in the removal of toxins from the body as the muscles heal, drinking plenty of water is recommended.

Richard Green is both a nutritionist and a writer. Before establishing Breathe App, he used to work as an in House Nutritionist in La Salle Medical Center.
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