A designer handbag is a personal luxury that quickly becomes a fashion icon. These days, it’s not just about the style and how much it costs, but how well it reflects your fashion sense as well. Dior is one brand whose bags are recognized even by people who cannot afford them. They have been made using high-quality materials for decades, and their designs are in-tune with today’s fashion trends. Of course, you should consider the price of all the bags, and if you love Christian Dior, you should also consider christian dior tote bag price.
- Dior Pop Color Bag
The first bag from Dior has the classical Dior shape and effortless style; this is a good bag for classy women who want to keep it simple and elegant. The classic rectangular shape is ideal for everyday use, and its gold chain detailing adds to its eye-catching appeal. In addition, this bag is ideal for those small trips because of its foldable design and significant capacity capability.
- Dior Vernis Baroque Bag
It is the bag that started it all. Made from super-soft calfskin and covered in sophisticated gold chain detail that resembles lashes, it is the epitome of everything a Dior handbag should be. It has a detachable shoulder strap, so you can wear it as a clutch or attach the strap to lengthen it and use it as a shoulder bag too. The sheer luxuriousness of this bag makes it worth every penny.
- Dior D-lightful Bag
It is the ultimate cool and casual bag for the super simple girl who wants to look stylish even when she doesn’t bother. Dior D-lightful bag has so many things going for it. It has a rolling top clasp with the iconic Dior logo that everyone recognizes, its small enough to carry even if you are a petite woman, and it has gold hardware that adds to its elegance. In addition, the suede leather makes it soft and supple.
- Dior So Intense Bag
This bag is made to keep you versatile and organized. It has a secure zipper design and several compartments, four outside pouches, and a detachable shoulder strap so you can wear it as a shoulder bag or clutch. It has the classic Dior shape that is simple yet elegant, and the gold chain detailing on the case adds to its appeal. The leather makes it soft and supple, and it has several internal pockets to organize everything neatly.
- Dior So Timeless Bag
An effortless bag that is equally powerful, this is a great bag to have if you want to carry your essentials around discreetly. The case is made from excellent leather, and the hardware is gold plated. It zips from the top, making it ideal for carrying coins, cell phones, and other small items. It has four inner compartments to keep things organized, including a zipper pocket in the middle for your credit cards, IDs, and other valuables.
These are some of the best Dior bags that you can invest in. They have been around for years, and with good reason; they are timeless, simple, and stylish, just like the brand itself. Unfortunately, as with most designer bags and purses, they are not cheap. However, if you want to travel in style or look chic even when you go to the post office or grocery store, these bags will serve you well.